Helpful Resources

Whether you want to see the latest store flyer, print coupons, or read about medications, you can find it all listed in this section.

Medication Search

Find usable, authoritative information on thousands of medications. Just type the name of the medication – or its Drug Identification Number – in the search box or select the first letter of your medication from the drop down.

Find out about the following:

All medications have both common (generic) and brand names. The brand name is the name under which a specific manufacturer markets a product (For example, Tylenol®). The common (generic) name is the standard name of the medicine (in the same example, acetaminophen). The label on your medicine will state the brand name, common name, or both. You can search our Drug Library using either the common name or the brand name.

Natural Health Products

Welcome to the Natural Health Products Library powered by MediResource™. This detailed information resource is designed to support your health and wellness by helping you learn about and better understand more about herbs and natural health products. For additional health information, please talk to your pharmacist.

Each Natural Health Product Library factsheet contains information about:

Medical Conditions

Find usable information on thousands of conditions. Just type the name of the condition in the search box or select the first letter of a condition.

Find out about the following:

This detailed information resource is designed to support your health and wellness by helping you learn about and better understand medical conditions. All information is regularly reviewed and updated by Canadian doctors and pharmacists. For additional health information, please talk to your Pharmacist.

QDoc: Your Virtual Healthcare Solution

QDoc provides free virtual healthcare exclusively for Canadians, ensuring equitable access to quality medical care regardless of location or income. With cutting-edge technology, you can connect with doctors anytime, anywhere, eliminating long waits. We manage all hassles, allowing doctors to focus on you, including sending prescriptions to our location for your convenience.


With the PharmaConnect, you can submit new prescriptions, refill your current prescriptions, view all your prescriptions you have on file and more.   
