Medication Services
Our Medication Services
We have all of your medication needs covered.
Prescription Refills and Medication Reviews
Our pharmacy team can refill prescriptions, as well as review medication regimens to ensure safety and efficacy. This includes monitoring for drug interactions, dosage adjustments, and patient education regarding proper medication use.

Medications Return Program
Don’t throw it out! Take it back to Lorette Pharmacie Dufresne.
We can safely dispose of unused or expired medications through our medication return program. This service helps prevent medication misuse, abuse and environmental contamination, all while promoting safe medication use.

Did you know?
Pharmaceuticals, including all prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications in pill and liquid form, and natural health products in oral dosage form, are now part of a new stewardship program the Manitoba Medication Return Program.
What is MMRP?
Keeping medicines around the house is not safe, especially if you have children/teenagers who could take the medicine by accident. Expired medications can be ineffective or even toxic. Prescription drugs, including over-the-counter medicines, can also be subject to reuse, misuse, theft and abuse. Flushing your medicines down the toilet or drain, or tossing them in the garbage, is not recommended.
How do I dispose of medicines?
Just take the medications in their original containers (plastic bottles or blister packs, but not outer packaging), remove any personal identification, such as your name, and stop by Lorette Pharmacie Dufresne – you don’t have to return your medications to the same pharmacy where you purchased them. Drop off your bag with the pharmacist.
What happens to my medicines?
The MMRP will ensure the safe and appropriate storage and disposal of all your medications, according to health and environmental regulations.
What about needles, syringes or other sharps?
A sharp disposal program is also available at Lorette Pharmacie Dufresne. Drop off your sharps container with the pharmacist.
Who is PCPSA?
Post-Consumer Pharmaceutical Stewardship Association (PCPSA) is a not-for-profit association funded and governed by the pharmaceuticals and consumer-health products industries.
Contact your pharmacist or send us an email at
Bubble Packaging
Bubble packing is a system that places your medication in individual sealed compartments for each dose. The system is designed to eliminate confusion and allow you to keep track of your medications. Your medication can be organized into time slots — morning, noon, evening, bedtime or anytime that suits your schedule (to a maximum of 4 times per card) — and placed into bubbles on a card. Each card can hold a seven day supply of medications.
When it is time to take your medications, simply punch out the contents of the bubble corresponding to the proper day and time — no more filling boxes or fumbling with prescription bottles. If you do not remember taking a dose, simply check the card to see if you have missed any doses.
Our bubble pack customers are placed on a refill calendar so that there is a continuous supply of medications available – there is no need for a phone call to request refills. Let us know if this is a service you are interested in.

Compound Medications
At the direction of your physician, we can better meet your needs through compounding a medication specifically for you. We provide specialty compounding with notice. Contact us to tell us your special needs and requirements.

Continued Care Prescribing
Experience peace of mind with Lorette Pharmacie Dufresne’s Continued Care service. If you’re running low on your regular medication and can’t reach your prescriber, our pharmacists may be able to provide a short supply prescription to ensure your health needs are met.

Prescription Transfer